Financial Aid for Businesses Part II

April 4, 2020

Specifying our previous announcement for the Financial aid for businesses, we clarify that this aid will be given in the form of a Reimbursable Advance, with the condition of maintaining job positions.

This measure concerns small and medium-sized enterprises with 1 to 500 employees, regardless of whether they are registered as affected or not. Those interested should register at mybusinesssupport, the Independent Authority for Public Revenue’s special platform until April 10, provided that a) they are not ailing, b) they have not exhausted the maximum aid for the years 2018-2020 and c) they are not inactive.

A new decision, that is expected to be issued after the deadline of applications’ submissions will determine the method of calculating the aid amount, the conditions and the refund procedure, either in whole or partially, as well as any other relevant information.

The aid amount will also be determined automatically and the aid will be non-discriminatory, tax-free and not off-setting.