The 25th of December 2019, the day of Christ’s birth, and the following day, 26th December 2019 have been determined as public holidays for all employees who have a contractual relation of private law with their employer.
For the above mentioned days of compulsory public holiday, the employer has the following obligations:
(a) If the business is not operating on these days, the usual remuneration only is due to workers receiving daily wage. For those who are paid under a monthly salary scheme there is no provision of additional remuneration.
(b) For those who work during the public holiday days:
– If employees receive a daily wage, they must receive the paid daily wage, with a surplus of 75%.
– If employees are paid a monthly salary, they must receive a surplus of 75% on the 1/25 of their monthly salary.
Apart from the above two compulsory public days, Greece celebrates two more custom public holidays on the 1st and the 6th of January (Epiphany).
The business that does not operate on any customary holiday, does not owe remuneration to its staff, regardless of the method of payment.
However, if the business employs part or its entire staff on these days, it must:
– Pay the usual daily wage, to those paid with a daily wage, without any surplus και the monthly salary, to those paid with a monthly salary, again without any surplus.