With a new law that comes into force soon, social security contributions for self-employed professionals are reduced as follows:
- Contribution for pension of self-employed professionals is reduced from 20% to 13,33% as from 1 January 2019.
- Contributions for farmer’s pension is reduced from 18% to 12% as from 1 January 2019. This contribution is set at 12.67% for 2020, 13% for 2021 and 13,33% from 2022 onwards.
- Contributions for pension of young professionals for a period up to the 5th year since their social security registration is reduced as from 1 January 2019 to 13,33%.
- For self-employed professionals, engineers, lawyers and medical doctors, the contribution for a supplementary pension and their retirement lump sum will be calculated retroactively from 1/1/2017 on the minimum basis, irrespective of the amount of their income.